Stressful Week

It has been a very stressful week.  Well, not only the week but this whole of October.  I put our house up for sale, put an offer on another home, and had surgery.  October isn’t even over yet.  I have no idea what the kids will be for Halloween or if they will even participate in Halloween activities.

This past week has been rough with the illnesses and not attending school, ABA services, or playing outside.  They have been cranky and cooped up.

What do you do with your kids to help them navigate through sickness and the boredom that goes with it?  They are coughing up a storm but want to run around, which makes them cough and cough.  They are tired because they are sick, and I am tired of them being sick.  The joys of preschool, passing germs to one another over and over again.

I don’t remember my grown kids being sick so much, but I don’t know them misbehaving either, but I know they did.

When my kids first started ABA services, I couldn’t see how it would help them.  I wanted to believe that they didn’t need the services and not the number of hours they wanted to give my kids.  But, having gone without services for this week and a half, I see the difference in the kids.  They are more sensitive and have, in my opinion, regressed a bit

I can’t wait to get back to our regular schedule, both for them and my sanity.

I have been looking into sensory toys.  I just recently got them both weighted blankets.  Jane loves hers, and Jimmy is not so sure.  I also have bought them some popper toys.  I have been reading and trying to decipher through all the different toys and the benefits of each.  There are so many.  What are your favorites?

Well, here is looking to a better week see you.

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