
Whew! The kids were in bed, and I fell on the couch and sat there. I started thinking about everything that went on today and am exhausted again.

The kids were pretty good. There was a lot of screaming and running around, but they were pretty good. I was a little more sensitive to things as I was stressing out. We live in Northern California, and the drought is terrible. I, not thinking, bought a house that is on a well. Everyone around us is having their wells dry up. Some are even having their wells dug a little deeper. My water pressure went down, and I am waiting for the plumber to come and check my well and the pressure.

I don’t want to have to decide if I am going to have my well dug deeper. Because then I have to figure out how I will pay for it. So my stress level is a little higher, and my temper is hard to keep under wraps. I must keep myself from screaming at the kids when they are just kids. They don’t understand half the time what I am saying and why I’m upset.

It doesn’t matter how many classes I take on how to cope with, teach, guide, and react to my kids. I still resort to yelling. They just yell back. They think that the way to get their point across is by yelling. I am working on re-training them.

That is how the week has been going for us. I hope your week is going better. Let me know. Leave a comment.

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